ready to move on…

It is a little strange to be always living in transit but then again isn’t that what life is all about? There is not much permanence here really. This way of living should make for little baggage but even that seems still too much.

from my sketchbook
Originally uploaded by claudia dose.







I finally managed to scan my sketchbook, the small black one that is so handy. It’s full now, three pages remain to be scanned still. I am working on one in an A5 size now. I really liked the small one, though it was sometimes a little too small but for the purpose of being able to take it everywhere, it was great. The big one is a legal-sized one and great for sketching at home, mainly for doodling and letting myself enjoy color or shapes without thinking much, mostly abstract but also did some flowers or scenes out of my window as I felt inspired. I wanted to scan that too but it won’t fit under the scanner. So that will be another job, to be done in two parts, awkward.

Re-discovered “drawing on the right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards, and even though I had read it before it spiked a new interest in sketching and drawing. It will be good in terms of moving about to be going towards living in my sketchbook again. Though I am toiling with the idea to get a couple of smaller canvases as a change from mainly working on paper. Not sure what to do about the big (4’x4′) painting of Abhinavagupta and masters from Kashmir that I am still working on, just won’t fit into my suitcase.

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