Spring has arrived in Oregon

Spring has arrived here in Oregon and its arrival fills me with excitement and wonder. As I drove out for some shopping the other day, I found myself awestruck by the beauty that surrounds me – the vibrant colors, and the breathtaking scenery. It’s like driving through a fairy tale land. With every twist and turn of the road, a more picturesque landscape unfolds before my eyes. The daffodils start to bloom, while the trees erupt into delicate explosions of white and pink.

We build ourselves an excellent seedling setup complete with lights that switch on and off on schedule. How cool is that? It is so much fun to watch the growth of new plants ahead of schedule and to nurture them indoors. I can’t wait until the threat of frost has dissipated, eagerly anticipating the moment to transplant them into the outdoor soil. Some, like radishes and spinach and lettuce I have already planted. I am always amazed at how these tiny teeny seeds grow into fully mature plants. There is so much energy inside a seed, so much life force wanting to live. I can feel it in the air and inside my body. Even the cat can’t stand being inside. All winter she couldn’t care less about even sticking her nose out but now she can’t be held back from going outside.

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