Painting for trees – Raising $2020 for planting 2020 trees in 2020.

I guess by now you have heard about the impact climate change has through the extreme example in Australia. The pictures of dying animals and fleeing people on smoke-filled beaches are heartbreaking.

I couldn’t stand it any longer and had to do something.

I looked at the fundraisers for koalas and people and saw that so many had already contributed to that cause. Thinking further ahead I wondered where those koalas would go back to? Who will help rebuild the forest, plant new trees that they depend on for their life? And I felt this deep need to help plant trees. Not just in Australia but in the whole world.

According to this article from CNN from April 17, 2019:

“The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees.”

Painting for trees – donate now! donate to plant a tree today TOGETHER WE PLANTED 2,252 TREES IN 2020
(one dollar equals one tree on OneTreePlanted)

UPDATE 2022:

You can choose between two charities that I support

me in forest near Coffs Harbour

I love trees. I have lived in Australia near Byron Bay and Coffs Harbour for 5 years and I love its wildness, and the abundance of nature and the tropical forests around there are magical. Seeing this all go up in smoke is just heart-wrenching.

Shocked by the extent of the fires in Australia I felt an urgent need to do something about climate change NOW!

I am inspired by Greta Thunberg, a 17-year-old, who despite challenges, steps out into the world, demonstrates, and gives public speeches.

What could I do?

Since the energy crisis in the 80s in Germany, I have been trying my best to recycle, preserve water and resources, reuse, ditch the plastic shopping bags, etc.

What more could I do?

Last year in November I was binge-watching Outlander while incapacitated with my thumb in a splint after I fell ice skating. Of course, I got a crush on Jamie played by Sam Heughen, and who wouldn’t. Following the actor on social media, I got inspired by his movement #mypeakchallenge, especially the idea to start 2020 with a #peakStreak: a 20-day challenge of 20 min a day of either physical, mental or creative activity. I added pushups and squats to my daily yoga practice and exercises to get my hand back in shape but then thought of other areas in my life where I could challenge myself and push beyond my comfort zone.

What could “my peak challenge” be?

Painting for trees.

At the rate, forests are being destroyed this world needs more trees. To get the most impact it seems highly impractical for me to start planting trees in my backyard and plant them all myself. I can hardly keep my garden alive without it being eaten by gophers and deer. So I am leaving that to the professionals, mostly.

What I CAN do is paint!

So with the proceeds of the sale of paintings, and perhaps other challenges I will come up with this year, raise money to plant trees.

Pearls Of Wisdom painting by ClaudiaDose

acrylic, collage, gold marker, on wood panel, ready to hang,
6x16x1.5in, (40.64×40.64×3.5cm),

So here is my pledge for the year 2020:

I am going to raise money to plant 2020 trees this year.

There is a lot of non-profit organizations that plant trees. Even some local ones, like the Sierra Club, where I can plant trees in urban areas hands-on but my hand hasn’t been up for that yet.

I found a professional and highly effective non-profit called “One Tree Planted” who will plant one tree for every dollar donated: 2020 trees for $2020 sounds like a magical number. So I went ahead and created a fundraiser with “One Tree Planted”.


Why plant trees?

I pledge to raise enough funds until we have reached at least $2020 = 2020 trees before the end of this year.

Your support would mean the world to me… and to the world itself! Every little bit helps, so please donate whatever you can.

The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support… and please don’t forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating.

Let’s grow a FOREST together!


“Cycle of life” earth mother/girl/embryo

Another challenge (#peakchallenge) I feel called to this year is that of creating more “awe and wonder”. My dear Friend Debbie started the idea and I love it. When I think of awe and wonder I think of nature.

Besides walking its beautiful beaches I loved walking in the forests in Australia. Watching Outlander I was in awe of the nature of Scotland even though I have never seen it in person but the cinematography was breathtaking.

When I grew up my parents would take us for a walk to the nearby forest every weekend. We had to be quiet so we would get to see some deer or birds. My dad would teach me the names of trees and plants. In the summer we would collect blueberries and in fall we would go in search of mushrooms. It would instill a huge sense of reverence for nature in me, especially for the forest. I loved to walk for hours in the huge forest near my grandmother’s as a kid. I never got lost or afraid of it.

I want us all to feel more connected to nature. I think we wouldn’t be where we are today if we had been in touch with nature more. We would think twice about cutting a single tree. We would honor trees for keeping this planet alive. If it wasn’t for trees we would not have any oxygen to breathe. They also provide us with shade and cool and mental calm when we walk beneath them. There is a whole biosphere living in each tree. They are one of the oldest inhabitants of this planet. Let us take good care of them and they will take care of us!

Here is what YOU can do:

  • Donate to my fundraisers via “OneTreePlanted“.
  • Purchase one of my paintings/prints and 100% of the proceeds will go to the above fundraisers.
  • Make a bid for one of my paintings at this auction (next one will be around Thanksgiving).
  • Spread the message and share more about climate change to make us all remember what’s at stake.
  • Create your own fundraiser.
  • Research and inform yourself about the challenges we are facing.
  • Get politically involved, call your Senator/Representative, vote.
  • Hug a tree.
  • Top 10 things to do now

Donate to Painting for Trees NOW!

…and then take the quiz: Find out your tree personality. Mine is the willow. Let me know what is yours in the comment below.


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